Translation for "receive a present" to spanish
Translation examples
But if you are not found out, you will receive a present of seven and sixpence... to start life with as a lady in a shop.
Pero si no se entera,... recibirás un regalo... para comenzar tu vida en una floristería.
Or receiving a present from that special someone.
O con recibir un regalo de esa persona especial.
Tracy smiled widely, like a little girl who had just received a present.
Tracy sonrió ampliamente, como una niña que acabase de recibir un regalo.
The chieftain was to invite them to his hut to receive more presents, but once inside they would be seized.
El jefe de la tribu los invitaría a su choza para recibir más regalos pero, una vez dentro, los apresaría.
She had grown to have some of the nature of an individual, stamped on the simple feelings of the child—queen who had once received her present of captives.
Había llegado a adquirir un carácter individualista, acrecentado por las sensaciones que una vez experimentara al recibir el regalo de aquellos cautivos.
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