Translation for "self contained" to spanish
Translation examples
Maybe I'm more self-contained because I always have been, and no, it's not my tendency to publicly confess my sins.
Quizá soy poco comunicativa porque siempre he sido así y, desde luego, no tengo la menor tendencia a confesar públicamente mis pecados.
His cock remained as inert as it always had in the showers: circumcised, wrinkled, self-contained as the rest of him; it seemed equally to await discovery.
Su polla seguía tan inerte como lo estaba siempre en las duchas: circuncidada, arrugada, tan poco comunicativa como el resto de su persona, y al igual que él parecía aguardar el descubrimiento.
He was perfectly self-contained.
Era totalmente independiente.
The community is entirely self-contained.
La comunidad es completamente independiente.
Each tribe is completely self-contained.
Cada tribu es totalmente independiente.
Living accommodations, all self-contained.
Alojamientos con todas las comodidades, independientes.
Other chapters are self-contained and not part of any chronology.
Otros capítulos son independientes y no forman parte de ninguna cronología.
You’ve always been so self-contained, so sure.”
Siempre has sido tan independiente, tan seguro…
Return to a safe golden self-contained world, with no bombs in it.
Retornan a un mundo dorado, seguro e independiente, en el que no existen las bombas.
But the harvesters had to be self-contained.
Pero las excavadoras tenían que ser autosuficientes.
It is the very definition of self-containment.
Es la propia definición de lo que es autosuficiente.
They’re, totally self-contained in there.”
Son totalmente autosuficientes allí adentro.
Goethe was heroically self-contained and self-sufficient.
Goethe era heroicamente autosuficiente.
The Grotto is a self-contained scientific complex.
La Gruta es un complejo científico autosuficiente.
It always seemed so self-contained, so private.
Siempre parecía algo autosuficiente, algo íntimo.
It was an entirely self-contained world, almost like a city.
Era un mundo autosuficiente, casi como una ciudad.
He, the rationalist, the self-contained!
¡Él, el racionalista, el reservado!
“You are so self-contained, James,”
—¡Eres tan reservado, James!
secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
reservado, hermético y solitario como una ostra.
She was pallid, slender, tall, and self-contained.
Era esbelta, alta y reservada.
The man was as self-contained as any sister.
Ese hombre era tan reservado como cualquier hermana—.
He was unnervingly quiet, watchful and self-contained.
Era turbadoramente imperturbable, atento y reservado.
She was quiet, self-contained, and totally humorless.
Era callada, reservada y totalmente carente de humor.
But they didn’t speak English and seemed too self-contained.
Pero no hablaban inglés y parecían reservados.
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