Translation for "self-effacing" to spanish
Translation examples
He was trying to be self-effacing.
Intentaba ser humilde.
They had expected her to be humble, self-effacing, and plain.
Esa gente había esperado de ella que fuera humilde, recatada y vulgar.
"No, no," said that one, trying to look modest and self-effacing.
-No, no -respondió ésta tratando de parecer modesta y humilde-.
Nor my hapless, self-effacing formerly famous uncle Willy.
Ni tampoco mi desgraciado, humilde y antes famoso tío Willy.
I had chameleonlike powers, or so I thought, of sublime and self-effacing mimesis.
Yo poseía camaleónicos poderes, o así me lo parecía, de sublime y humilde mimesis para pasar inadvertido.
Self-effacing and as acquiescent as a slave, he did every menial chore Druot assigned him.
Humilde, con una docilidad propia de un esclavo, desempeñaba todas las tareas pesadas que le encomendaba Druot.
in honouring whom we seek to honour the noble and self-effacing profession of which he is so representative a member—
Y al honrarlo a él con este título queremos también honrar la noble y humilde profesión a la cual representa...».
Most of the slaves she had met were quiet and self-effacing, desirous of nothing except to go unnoticed.
La mayoría de los esclavos que había conocido eran callados y humildes, deseosos sólo de pasar desapercibidos.
Chaim Abrahms and his followers make the Begin regime seem like reticent, self-effacing pacifists.
Chaim Abrahms y sus seguidores hacen que el gobierno de Begin parezca un grupo de discretos y humildes pacifistas.
Like a brahmacarin, the Upanishadic student had to live in a humble, self-effacing way, and this was as crucial as the intellectual content of the quest.
Como un brahmacarin, el estudiante upanishádico tenía que vivir de una forma humilde, modesta, y eso era tan importante como el contenido intelectual de la búsqueda.
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