Translation for "set foot" to spanish
Set foot
Translation examples
I’m afraid to set foot in the church.
No podría pisar la iglesia.
I never set foot in their house again.
No volví a pisar su casa.
He wouldn’t set foot in the church.
Él no tenía la menor intención de pisar la iglesia.
Few ever set foot on the earth again.
Pocos volvieron a pisar la tierra.
Glay refused to set foot on the field.
Glay se negaba a pisar el terreno de juego.
I am not allowed to set foot in Lasting Integrity.
No se me permite pisar Integridad Duradera.
He never wanted to set foot in Beauval again.
No quería volver a pisar Beauval.
He was never again to set foot outdoors.
Nunca jamás volvería a pisar la calle.
His mother never set foot inside a church again.
Su madre no volvió a pisar la iglesia.
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