Translation for "stained glass" to spanish
Stained glass
Translation examples
The stained glass windows, which bring another atmosphere in.
Los vitrales, que crean una atmósfera distinta.
you two should share a stained-glass window.
vosotros dos deberíais compartir un vitral.
The stained-glass figures yellowed into lurid obsolescence.
Las figuras del vitral amarillean en una chillona obsolescencia.
The window overlooking his bed was stained glass.
A janela perto da cama era de vitral.
Drops of rain tinkled against the stained glass of the windows.
Gotas de lluvia tintineaban sobre los vitrales de las ventanas.
I sheltered in the church portico, enclosed by stained glass.
Me cobijé en el pórtico de la iglesia situado entre vitrales.
He looked up at the stained glass windows again.
Volvió a alzar la mirada hacia los vitrales.
Julian sat down on the bench under the stained-glass porch.
—Julian se sentó en el banco bajo los vitrales.
Overhead, stained-glass windows ran intact along the walls.
Por encima había ventanas con vitrales a lo largo de las paredes.
There was no steeple and no stained-glass window.
No tenía ni campanario ni vidrieras.
The light is through stained glass.
La luz entra por una vidriera.
‘Is that the stained glass window at Bede’s?’
—¿Eso es la vidriera del Bede's College?
Mahogany, brass, stained glass.
Caoba, bronce, vidrieras de colores.
Some of the houses had stained glass windows.
Algunas de las casas tenían vidrieras de colores.
There was a single stained-glass window at the east end;
Había una sola vidriera en el extremo este;
Rainbows of stained glass covering the walls.
Vidrieras de colores cubriendo las paredes.
Stained glass exploded in glittering fragments.
Las vidrieras explotaron en brillantes fragmentos.
“What’s the stained-glass window made up of, Jet?”
—¿Y de qué está hecha esa vidriera, Jet?
It’s on the stained glass window outside my bedroom;
Hay uno en la vidriera de la ventana de mi habitación;
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