Translation for "survived" to spanish
Translation examples
We had survived the greatest conflagration in history.
Habíamos sobrevivido a la mayor conflagración de la historia.
They have survived childhood and are rapidly becoming adults.
Han sobrevivido la infancia y se están convirtiendo en adultos.
(b) In the second line, delete and survived
b) En la segunda línea suprímase han sobrevivido y
Hope had survived the darkness of the cold war.
La esperanza había sobrevivido a la oscuridad de la guerra fría.
Approximately 70 percent of registered victims survived.
Un 70%, aproximadamente, de las víctimas registradas ha sobrevivido.
But despite everything, the Cuban people have survived.
Pese a todo, el pueblo cubano ha sobrevivido.
The Governor of Basra has survived a number of attacks.
El Gobernador de Basora ha sobrevivido a varios atentados.
It has survived major events and numerous wars.
Ha sobrevivido a grandes incidentes y numerosas guerras.
We've survived Congress, we've survived busybody parents, we've survived religious-based hysteria.
Hemos sobrevivido al Congreso, hemos sobrevivido a los padres entrometidos, hemos sobrevivido la histeria religiosa.
We've always survived.
Siempre hemos sobrevivido.
He survived, okay?
Ha sobrevivido, ¿vale?
They'd survived the plague, they'd survived dethronement, they'd survived civil war.
Habían sobrevivido a la peste, habían sobrevivido al destronamiento, habían sobrevivido a la guerra civil.
I've survived cancer and I have survived this.
He sobrevivido al cáncer y he sobrevivido a esto.
And we survived.
Y hemos sobrevivido.
Think something survived?
¿Habrá sobrevivido algo?
You survived. These boys have survived.
Tú has sobrevivido. Estos chicos han sobrevivido.
He had survived, and Jaina had survived.
Había sobrevivido. Jaina también había sobrevivido.
“Well, you have survived it.” “I have survived.”
– Bueno, porque ha sobrevivido. – He sobrevivido.
I survived. I always survived. I know about survival.
He sobrevivido. Siempre he sobrevivido. Sé sobrevivir».
You survived, I said silently, you survived everything.
«Has sobrevivido —dije en silencio—, has sobrevivido a todo».
He had survived was surviving.
El había sobrevivido… estaba sobreviviendo.
“I haven’t survived all this as well as I should have survived it.
No he sobrevivido a esto como debería haberlo sobrevivido.
They, too, survived.
Ellas también habían sobrevivido.
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