Translation for "take advantage of them" to spanish
Take advantage of them
Translation examples
He would shoot me a rapid sideways glance, bite the inside of one cheek so as not to allow so much as a half-smile to escape him, and then would pick up my comment, or so it seemed to me, because nothing in him was transparent or sure or to be taken for granted: 'No, Jack, dancers are far less exposed; bear in mind that keeping on the move always provides protection, it's much more dangerous to stay still, it makes you more vulnerable. Those who run away or hide often forget this, they allow fear to take advantage of them, instead of themselves taking advantage of fear.' He had a way of linking sentences so that the second diverged from the first, the third from the second and so on until he wearied of them all and preferred to remain silent for a while.
Me miraba de reojo rápido, se mordía el interior de un carrillo para no dejar escapar media sonrisa, y tendía a seguirme la chanza, o eso me parecía, porque nada era en él transparente, ni seguro, ni descontado: 'No, Jack, las bailarinas lo están mucho menos, ten en cuenta que moverse protege, lo arriesgado es estarse quieto, te hace más vulnerable. Eso a menudo lo ignoran quienes huyen o se esconden, dejan que el miedo se aproveche de ellos, en vez de aprovecharse ellos del miedo'. Tenía la habilidad de empalmar sentencias de forma que la segunda se desviaba de la primera, la tercera de la segunda y así hasta que se cansaba de todas o prefería el silencio un rato.
What could be done to take advantage of them?
¿Qué podría hacer Venli para aprovecharlas?
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