Translation for "tea cup" to spanish
Tea cup
Translation examples
He dipped it in his tea cup.
Lo sumergió en su taza de .
Alucard took up his tea cup.
Alucard levantó su taza de .
Lillian nodded toward the tea cup.
Lillian cabeceó hacia la taza de .
Emily put down her tea-cup hastily.
Emily soltó la taza de .
You observe me over the top of your tea cup.
Me observa por encima de su taza de .
He pulled his tea cup towards him, but he didn’t drink.
Se acercó la taza de , pero no bebió.
My—my tea cup was empty and so I smashed it into the wall!
Mi… mi taza de estaba vacía, y la he estampado contra la pared.
Conan Doyle sighed and pushed away his tea cup.
El doctor suspiró y apartó su taza de a un lado.
Mom fidgeted with her tea cup, twisting it on the table and staring down at it.
Mi madre jugueteó con su taza de , girándola sobre la mesa y mirándola.
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