Translation for "that bishop is" to spanish
Translation examples
Lithuanian bishops' conference
Conferencia de los obispos de Lituania
The bishop of the diocese was threatened.
Amenazado el Obispo de la Diócesis.
Bishop Dr. Ratko Peric Catholic Bishop of Mostar
Obispo Dr. Ratko Peric Obispo católico de Mostar
Bishop Yoaunis
Obispo Yoaunis
Auxiliary Bishop of Panama
Obispo Auxiliar de Panamá
Bishop’s emissary, Bishop—same thing.
Emisario del obispo, obispo: lo mismo.
"The Bishop of Rome," Bishop Archer said.
—El obispo de Roma —dijo el obispo Archer—.
He was a bishop, but he didn’t know what bishops did.
Era un obispo, pero no sabía qué hacían los obispos.
And then there was the bishop.
Y luego estaba el obispo.
“This is the Bishop.”
—Te habla el Obispo.
Bishop Milomir: bishop of Great Britain and Scandinavia.
El obispo Milomir: obispo de Gran Bretaña y de los países nórdicos.
“You are not my bishop!”
– ¡Tú no eres mi obispo!
Nothing for the bishop." Tim smiled wryly. "I'm no longer a bishop."
Nada para el obispo. Tim me dedicó una sonrisa torcida. —Ya no soy obispo.
The gentleman is a bishop, an Anglican bishop; and he is deaf.
Ese caballero es un obispo anglicano y, además, es sordo. –¡Ah, un obispo anglicano!
Is that not so, Bishop?
¿No es cierto, obispo?
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