Translation for "that neglected" to spanish
That neglected
Translation examples
B. Neglected diseases
B. Enfermedades descuidadas
(a) has abandoned, neglected or deserted the child;
a) han abandonado, descuidado o desamparado al niño;
However, this aspect of health is neglected.
Sin embargo, este aspecto de la salud está descuidado.
This situation remains neglected by the government.
Esta situación sigue descuidada por el gobierno.
The cultural dimension seems to be neglected.
Parece que se ha descuidado la dimensión cultural.
The problem is not only one of neglected diseases; it is also an issue of neglected populations.
El problema no consiste solamente en las enfermedades descuidadas; las poblaciones también están descuidadas.
They are neglected in a second sense as well.
También están descuidadas en un segundo sentido.
The state has not neglected this issue.
El Estado no ha descuidado este problema.
“It was not neglected—”
—No ha sido descuidada
I’ve been neglecting it.
lo tengo un poco descuidado.
The mind neglected;
La mente, descuidada;
It was neglected, abandoned.
Estaba abandonada, descuidada.
Maybe they were neglecting him.
Que lo habían descuidado.
Had he neglected anything?
¿Había descuidado algo?
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