Translation for "the completely" to spanish
Translation examples
The house was completely destroyed.
La casa fue completamente destruida.
(a) Completely closed systems:
a) Sistemas completamente cerrados:
However, this is not completely clear.
Sin embargo, esto no está completamente claro.
A. Complete abolitionist
A. Completamente abolicionistas
The proceedings are completely private.
El trámite es completamente reservado.
This is completely false.
Esto es completamente falso.
They are completely biased.
Sus manifestaciones son completamente tendenciosas.
This is not completely fortuitous.
Este hecho no es completamente fortuito.
The situation, however, is not completely bleak.
Con todo, la situación no es completamente sombría.
There go my dreams of being the completely black Tiger Woods.
No ir mis sueños de ser El completamente negro Tiger Woods.
Next we have the handicar with Timmy Burch, and there's the completely automated self-driving car from Japan.
En seguida tenemos el discapacimóvil con Timmy Burch, y este es el completamente automatizado vehículo auto-conducido japonés.
Hegel's Absolute was completely classical, completely rational and completely orderly.
El Absoluto de Hegel era completamente clásico, completamente racional y completamente metódico.
Anyone else is impossible. Completely impossible.” “Completely?”
Es imposible haya sido otro… Completamente imposible. - ¿Completamente?
To go with Completely Women, and Completely Men?
–¿Para que vaya con Completamente Mujer, y Completamente Hombre?
We arrived at this star completely by accident, and completely desperate.
Aparecimos en esta estrella completamente por accidente, y completamente desesperados.
Cymek garuda are egalitarian … completely egalitarian, and completely individualistic.
Los del Cymek son igualitarios… completamente igualitarios, y completamente individualistas.
Subsistemas completos utilizables para sistemas de entrega completos
Subsistemas completos utilizables para sistemas vectores completos
These numbers are not complete.
Esas cifras no son completas.
"When the complete comes, the partial will come to an end."
"Cuando llegue el completo, Lo parcial terminará"
The complete change of mood was peculiar.
El completo cambio de humor fue peculiar.
He really came out of his shell. What was it Rambeau called it? The complete and systematic derangement of the senses.
¿Cómo lo llamaba Rimbaud? "El completo y sistemático trastorno de los sentidos".
I need you to swear me in as the complete lord and master of the Quick Stop.
Necesito que me juramentes como el completo amo y señor de la Quick Stop.
The complete and sudden collapse of the city's infrastructure... has caused havoc and panic throughout Metropolis.
El completo y repentino colapso de la infraestructura de la ciudad ha causado descontrol y pánico en todo Metrópolis.
Doug was the, sort of, the complete social opposite of Henry.
EDITOR DE LAMPOON Doug era el completo opuesto social de Henry.
I think we all understand that I am not the complete asshole in this situation.
Creo que todos entendemos que yo no soy el completo imbécil en esta situación.
But given what I feel for you and the complete and utter mess that surrounds everything about us...
Pero dado lo que siento por ti y todo el completo desorden que nos rodea a nosotros
Completely inappropriate though.” “Completely.”
Aunque por completo inapropiada. —Por completo.
Seven was a complete octave and a complete life.
Siete era una octava completa y una vida completa.
“But is it complete
—Pero ¿está al completo?
now I was complete.
ya estaba completo.
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