Translation for "them connected" to spanish
Them connected
Translation examples
All of them connected by her husband cal, Also known as...
Todas ellas conectadas por su esposo Cal, también conocido como...
Soon battalions of them connected via internet could perform rescue missions in disaster zones.
Pronto, batallones de ellos, conectados a través de Internet... podrían realizar misiones de rescate en zonas de desastre.
Nine shootings, all of them connected, right?
9 tiroteos, todos ellos conectados, ¿correcto?
All right, over the past six months, there have been three unnatural deaths in Springdale, none of them connected to Casey Miles, and none of them violent.
De acuerdo, en los últimos seis meses, se han producido tres muertes antinaturales en Springdale, ninguna de ellas conectada a Casey Miles, y ninguna de ellas violenta.
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