Translation for "them out" to spanish
Translation examples
Mr. Scott, there are thousands of them out there they could be on,
Señor Scott, hay miles de ellos afuera donde podrían estar...
It keeps us in and them out.
Nos mantiene a nosotros adentro y a ellos afuera.
- There's only 12 of them out there.
- Hay solo 12 de ellos afuera.
There was two of them out there.
Había dos de ellos afuera.
Especially with them out there.
Especialmente con ellos afuera.
Officers, every one of them out now.
Oficiales, cada una de ellas afuera, ahora.
We know there's three of them, but there could easily be 10 or 15 of them out there.
Sabemos que hay tres, pero podría haber fácilmente 10 ó 15 de ellos afuera.
- Listen here, oven mitts, there's thousands of them out there and as bad ass as you think you are, you won't be able to hold them off forever.
Escucha, guantes de horno, hay miles de ellos afuera, y por más tipa dura que te creas no podrás resistidos para siempre.
He's always been able to talk them out of the Apocalypse.
Siempre ha sido capaz de hablar con ellos fuera del Apocalipsis.
Out! All of them, out!
¡Fuera, todos ellos, fuera!
And there's a bunch of them out there.
Y hay un montón de ellas fuera.
On the way we'll get one of them out.
En el camino vamos a tener uno de ellos fuera.
'And with them out of the way, I set off after May.'
Con ellos fuera del camino, salí en persecución de May
And with them out of the way,
Y con ellos fuera del camino,
Get them out of here!
Gel ellos "Fuera de aquí!
Some of them out of my control.
Algunas de ellas fuera de mi control.
Let's get them out of here.
Vamos a por ellos Fuera de aquí.
Why don't you just call the rest of them out?
¿Por qué no llamaste el resto de ellos fuera ?
And we’ve got to get them out!”
¡Y hemos de sacarlos!
Just pick them out.
Únicamente hay que sacarlos.
We helped get them out.
Le ayudamos a sacarlos.
“We have to get them out!”
¡Tenemos que sacarlos de ahí!
Get them out, you say.
Sacarlas, dices.
“We’ve got to get them out!”
—¡Hemos de sacarlos de allí!
I had to get them out of there.
Tenía que sacarles de allí.
— She can put them out then.
—Puede sacarlas ella.
“We must take them out,”
—Tenemos que sacarlos —dije—.
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