Translation for "they attempt" to spanish
Translation examples
Indeed there seemed to be a systematic attempt by certain stakeholders to renegotiate those commitments.
Es más, parece que algunas partes interesadas intentan sistemáticamente renegociar esos compromisos.
Their voices were silenced when they attempted to use the legal system.
Se les ignora cuando intentan utilizar el sistema legal.
Victims attempting to establish their independence were also given an opportunity to borrow money.
Las víctimas que intentan independizarse también tienen la oportunidad de solicitar un préstamo.
8. Legislation and social sector programmes are attempting to address some of these problems.
8. La legislación y los programas sociales intentan responder a algunos de estos problemas.
Now the United States was even attempting to legalize the use of torture.
Ahora los Estados Unidos incluso intentan legalizar el uso de la tortura.
domination and they attempt to impose their ideology 196
con fines de dominación e intentan imponer su ideología 209
Humanitarian organizations attempt to gear up in a period of relative calm.
En un período de relativa calma, las organizaciones humanitarias intentan prepararse.
Instead, vested interests were attempting to cast doubt on the report.
En cambio, los interesados intentan poner en tela de juicio el informe.
And if they attempt to block my installation?
¿Y si ellos intentan impedir mi nombramiento?
Attempting to flank.”
Intentan maniobra de flancos.
Many then attempt to do this:
Entonces muchos intentan hacer esto:
Perhaps they do not attempt to do anything.
—Quizá no intentan hacer nada.
And they are – when they attempt to masquerade as men.
—Y lo son, cuando intentan hacerse pasar por hombres.
They make no attempt to hold territory as such.
No intentan ocupar los territorios invadidos, ni saquean.
It attempts to pull wool over your eyes.
Intentan echarle plumones en los ojos a uno.
They attempt what we cannot even consider.
Ellos intentan lo que nosotros no podemos plantearnos siquiera.
If you attempt to launch, we will shoot you down.
—Si intentan despegar, los abatiremos.
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