Translation for "thin skinned" to spanish
Thin skinned
Translation examples
But Alexander was thin-skinned;
De todos modos, Alejandro era muy susceptible;
“Oh, don’t be so thin-skinned.
—No seas tan susceptible, hombre.
I didn’t think you were so thin skinned.
No te creía tan susceptible.
“Sensitive” was how she described their thin-skinned daughter.
«Sensible», así era como describía ella a su susceptible niña.
“You're so damn thin-skinned on that race business, Frank.
—Usted es muy susceptible sobre ese asunto de las razas, Frank.
Jack knew that he was far too thin-skinned to hold this job.
Jack sabía que era demasiado susceptible a las críticas para el cargo que ocupaba.
Not surprisingly, Danny had a thin skin and began to bristle at Ernie's pointed and sardonic questioning.
Danny era muy susceptible y empezó a enfurecerse con las certeras y sarcásticas preguntas de Ernie.
You know the Americans are so deucedly thin-skinned—they always bristle up if you say anything against their institutions.
Los americanos son en extremo susceptibles: siempre reaccionan cuando dices algo contra sus instituciones.
With the frustrations of the last few months only a little below the surface, Pug was feeling particularly thin-skinned this day.
Con las frustraciones de los últimos meses a flor de piel, se sentía especialmente susceptible este día.
I don’t recall you being so proud and thin-skinned before Astrud went off to her good place.
No recuerdo que fueras tan orgulloso y tan susceptible antes de que Astrud partiera al más allá.
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