Translation for "those to whom" to spanish
Those to whom
Translation examples
The weariness of those... to whom we bring rest burdens you.
El cansancio de aquellos a quienes traemos la paz te pesa.
"Those to whom evil is done..." " evil in return."
"Aquellos a quienes se les ha hecho el mal... harán el mal como respuesta".
From those to whom much has been given, much is expected.
De aquellos a quienes mucho se ha dado, se espera mucho.
Being immortal, you fear it more than those to whom it comes naturally.
Siendo inmortal, la temes más que aquellos a quienes les llega.
To those to whom much is given, much is asked.
a aquellos a quien mucho se les da, mucho se les pide.
Of resigning my own judgment in deference to those to whom I owe no duty and have very little respect.
O renunciar a mi propio juicio por respeto a aquellos a quienes no les debo moral y le tengo muy poco respeto.
Those who are to make new laws, are those to whom the old laws are fine.
Los que van a hacer las nuevas leyes, son aquellos a quienes benefician las viejas leyes.
One, those who serve tea. And those to whom tea is served
Aquellos que sirven el té y aquellos a quienes se les sirve el té.
But those to whom I refer will know what I am speaking about.
Mas aquellos a quienes me refiero sabrán de quiénes hablo.
And that's why it's so important to reward those to whom it comes so easily.
Y por eso es tan importante premiar a aquellos a quienes se las da con tanta facilidad.
Those to whom this has happened will understand me;
Aquellos a quienes les haya sucedido esto me comprenderán;
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