Translation for "throwing out" to spanish
Throwing out
Translation examples
I would not throw out the butterfly.
Y no iba a tirar la mariposa.
‘I’ll throw out the candles,’ she said.
Tiraré las velas –dijo ella–.
Normally, they simply throw out that part.
Por lo general, se limitan a tirar esa parte.
—And it might be time to throw out that slice of pizza.
—Hay que tirar este pedazo de pizza a la basura.
No need to throw out the baby with the bath water.
No hay necesidad de tirar al bebé con el agua de la banera.
Even for a scullion to throw out the kitchen’s waste water would risk throwing out the household’s good fortune for the next year.
Si un pinche se atrevía a tirar el agua sucia de la cocina se arriesgaba a tirar la buena fortuna de la familia durante todo el año siguiente.
You should throw out some of this junk, she says.
Tendrías que tirar toda porquería, comenta.
We may as well throw out our maps.
Bien podríamos tirar nuestros mapas a la basura.
Even if that means throwing out the baby with the bath.
Aunque ello suponga tirar también al nene con la bañera.
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