Translation for "to ovulate" to spanish
To ovulate
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Right before I ovulate.
—Inmediatamente antes de que empiece a ovular.
"No, it's true," I said. "It's the barbs that stimulate the female to ovulate. Look it up.
―No, es cierto. Son esas barbas las que estimulan a la hembra para ovular.
According to her calculations, she was due to ovulate sometime that weekend.
Según sus cálculos, iba a ovular ese mismo fin de semana.
I can ovulate at will, and I guarantee that this unpleasant task will not need to be repeated.
Puedo ovular a voluntad, y os garantizo que no será necesario repetir esta desagradable tarea.
Before she reached the door, he said, "Margot, when does Judy ovulate again?" "What?
Antes de que llegara a la puerta, él volvió a hablarle: Margot, ¾cuándo volverá a ovular Judy?
“With a kicker, we can have you ovulating within hours. That’s when it would be best to harvest your ovaries.” “I said no.”
Con eso ovularás en unas horas, y ese será el mejor momento para extraer tus ovarios. —He dicho que no.
“I’ll be monitoring my cycle, taking my temperature each morning, so that hopefully I’ll know the day I ovulate.”
—Estudiaré el ciclo menstrual, me tomaré la temperatura todas las mañanas, con la esperanza de saber qué día voy a ovular.
Even though it was almost a certainty she would ovulate that day, she should have called Griff Burkett and canceled their appointment.
A pesar de que era casi seguro que iba a ovular ese día, tendría que haber llamado a Griff Burkett para cancelar la cita.
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