Translation for "to solemnise" to spanish
Translation examples
396. For the solemnisation of marriage through religious ceremony, customs or usage, the Assistant Registrar must be satisfied by statutory declaration that -
396. Para solemnizar el matrimonio mediante ceremonia religiosa, costumbres o uso, el Registrador Auxiliar deberá comprobar, mediante declaración legal, que:
However, under the Civil Union Act 2004, which came into force on 26 April 2005, same sex and opposite sex couples may solemnise their relationship by entering into a civil union.
Ahora bien, en virtud de la Ley sobre la Unión Civil de 2004, que entró en vigor el 26 de abril de 2005, las parejas del mismo sexo o de distinto sexo pueden solemnizar sus relaciones mediante una unión civil.
Even if you don’t believe in ceremonies, however simple or businesslike, they do have an impact, which is why they were invented, I suppose: to draw a line, to establish a before and an after, to make something that wasn’t serious serious, to underline and solemnise.
Aunque no se crea en ellas, aunque sean sencillas y se les dé apariencia de trámite, las ceremonias producen su efecto, y por eso se inventaron, supongo: para marcar una línea divisoria, establecer un antes y un después, para convertir en serio lo que no lo era, para subrayar y solemnizar.
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