Translation for "urine is" to spanish
Translation examples
The cell was humid and smelled of urine.
La celda era húmeda y olía a orina.
(e) Blood and urine analysis: blood group, Chagas disease, syphilis, AIDS, urine culture, etc.;
e) Análisis de sangre y orina: Grupo sanguíneo, Chagas, Sífilis, sida, cultivo de orina, etc.
It is excreted mainly via the urine.
Se excreta principalmente por la orina.
(d) urine or saliva;
d) Orina o saliva;
6. Forcing the victim to drink his own urine, swallow his cut-off hair or cigarette butts soaked in urine and the like.
6. Obligarla a beber su propia orina, a tragarse sus propios cabellos cortados, colillas empapadas de orina, etc.
Alcohol was found in the victim's blood and urine (3.27%. in the blood and 3.49%. in the urine).
Se encontró alcohol en la sangre y en la orina de la víctima (3,27%. en la sangre y 3,49%. en la orina).
Urine specimen taken*
Se tomó una muestra de orina*
Low iodine levels in urine
Niveles bajos de yodo en orina
Urine analysis
Análisis de orina
No urine. Urine in the blood.
Sin orina. Orina en la sangre.
I urinated into the darkness.
Oriné en la oscuridad.
when defecating and urinating;
cuando defeca y orina;
• Do not urinate in your clothes.
No orine cuando esté vestido.
Wash their clothes in urine,
Lavan la ropa con orina.
The urine was reddish-purple.
Su orina tenía un color purpúreo.
A stench of urine rises.
Les llega el hedor a orina.
His urine is like water.
Su orina es como agua.
Your urine is too old.
Su orina es demasiado vieja.
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