Translation for "violating them" to spanish
Violating them
Translation examples
They wanted to violate them and explore them.
Querían violarlos y examinarlos.
And let me remind all of you that there are libel laws and serious penalties for violating them.
Y permítanme recordarles a todos que hay leyes contra el libelo y penas graves por violarlas.
Its personnel might ignore or violate them, but the official procedures existed, and—on paper, at least—they looked almost reasonable.
Su personal podía ignorarlas o violarlas, pero los procedimientos oficiales existían y, sobre el papel, al menos, parecían casi razonables.
After they had violated them they threw them still alive on to the blazing ruins of our home and laughed as they watched them burn.
Después de violarlas las echaron vivas a las ruinas ardientes de nuestra casa, riéndose mientras las veían quemarse.
To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them they can never have;
Fotografiar personas es violarlas, pues se las ve como jamás se ven a sí mismas, se las conoce como nunca pueden conocerse;
But even murder does not alleviate his desires. He can possess these women, violate them, torture and dismember them, but it does not bring him peace.
Sin embargo, el asesinato no tiene ningún efecto. Puede poseerlas, violarlas, torturarlas, descuartizarlas o ensañarse con ellas, la cosa no tiene solución. Lo que busca no es de este mundo.
She spoke to him in a very low voice, as if between them there were agreements from which the more I threatened to violate them with my bad behavior, the more forcefully I was excluded.
Le habló con un hilo de voz, como si entre ellos hubiera unos acuerdos de los que yo quedaba más excluida cuanto más amenazaba con violarlos mediante mi comportamiento errado.
For centuries, grown men have been paid to frighten children in this way (and to torture and beat and violate them as well, as they also did in Joyce's memory and the memory of countless others).
Durante siglos, las personas adultas se han dedicado a asustar así a los niños (y a atormentarles, pegarles y también violarlos, como queda patente en el recuerdo de Joyce y en el recuerdo de infinidad de otros muchos).
He deliberately limited his mind’s stupendous vision to the river channel within a few hundred meters of his hiding place, for he had his rules in the stalking of the big tarpon and he would not violate them.
Deliberadamente limitó la amplia visión de su mente al canal del río dentro de unos cientos de metros de su escondite, porque tenía sus reglas para el acecho del gran tarpón y no deseaba violarlas.
But Timmons and his detail of two-legged animals understood how twisting those procedures without—quite—technically violating them only allowed even more scope to humiliate and debase anyone unfortunate enough to fall into their power.
Pero Timmons y su destacamento de animales bípedos sabían que pervertir aquellos procedimientos sin violarlos técnicamente (demasiado) no hacía más que ensanchar las posibilidades de humillación y degradación del desafortunado que cayese en sus manos.
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