Translation for "water spout" to spanish
Water spout
Translation examples
Water spouts have been detected in the coastal water from Orange County No kidding.
Se han detectado trombas marinas en las aguas costeras de Orange.
Weather satellites they're currently tracking 3 off shore water spouts over the pacific ocean.
Satélites meteorológicos registran 3 trombas marinas sobre el Pacífico.
The creature rose up above the dark water and began to spin with such suddenness and velocity that by the time the arrows of Argus’s archers cleared their bows, they were soaring straight into a growing tornado, a water spout.
La criatura se elevó por encima de las aguas oscuras y comenzó a girar de forma tan súbita y veloz que para cuando las flechas de los arqueros de Argus abandonaron sus arcos, se metieron directamente en un tornado de intensidad creciente, una tromba marina.
Underneath the man’s tattooed features a storm was brewing, full of undertows and crashing surf and water spouts, the deadly weather that buffeted Nailer every day as he tried to navigate the coastline of his father’s moods.
Bajo aquellas facciones cubiertas de tatuajes se fraguaba una tormenta repleta de corrientes sumergidas, olas violentas y trombas marinas, el mortífero temporal que zarandeaba a Nailer a diario mientras se esforzaba por capear el tornadizo estado de ánimo de su padre.
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