Translation for "were flowers" to spanish
Translation examples
I thought they were flowers.
Pensé que eran flores.
They were flowers, till your kids got a hold of them.
Eran flores, hasta que tus niños las agarraron.
There were flowers and banners,
Había flores y estandartes.
Also that day there were flowers.
También ese día había flores.
There were flowers all over the floor.
Habia flores en todo el piso.
"... There were flowers Also in hell, it felt good. "
"que también había flores en el infierno."
There were flowers, joy, a circle of friends, and music.
Había flores, alegría, un grupo de personas y música.
There were flowers, fruits were ...
Había flores, había bayas...
He said it Also, there were flowers in hell.
Él dijo que había flores en el infierno.
There were flowers all over the place.
Había flores por todas partes.
There were flowers on a table.
Había flores sobre la mesa.
There were flowers in the center.
Había flores en el centro.
There were flowers everywhere.
Por doquier había flores.
With the other treasures there were flowers, wherever Magda Altmann went there were flowers.
Además de estos tesoros, había flores. Siempre había flores por donde andaba Magda Altmann.
There were flowers about.
Había flores por todas partes.
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