Translation for "were presents" to spanish
Translation examples
I always felt like they were presents somebody else had picked out for me when I wasn't around.
Siempre sentí que eran regalos que alguien me había traído cuando yo no estaba.
You gave us these clothes. They were presents!
Usted nos dio esta ropa. ¡Eran regalos!
They were presents for a seven-year-old;
Eran regalos para una niña de siete años.
These were presents that never disappointed: we knew that grandpa would enjoy them.
Eran regalos que no podían fallar, sabíamos que el abuelo los disfrutaría.
They were presents obtained during those glorious days in Czechoslovakia—she hadn’t taken them along.
Eran regalos que recibió durante los gloriosos días pasados en Checoslovaquia.
Oh, uh, Sharon, the spectators and the reporters that were present?
Oh, uh, Sharon, ¿El público y los periodistas que estaban presentes?
Her friends were present.
Sus íntimos estaban presentes.
All the prisoners were present and accounted for.
Todos los presos estaban presentes.
These her women were present when she finished.
Estas, sus doncellas, estaban presentes cuando falleció.
Many famous personalities were present in this party..
Muchos personajes famosos estaban presentes en esta fiesta..
We met one to one, only our assistants were present.
Nos reunimos uno a uno, sólo nuestros asistentes estaban presentes.
My feelings for Matty were present and accounted for.
Mis sentimientos por Matty estaban presentes y localizados.
Carter, I was in a situation where drugs were present.
Carter, yo estaba en una situación donde las drogas estaban presentes.
How many people were present?
Cuantas personas estaban presentes?
All the Malorys were present.
Todos los Malory estaban presentes.
All the jurors were present;
Todos los miembros del jurado estaban presentes;
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