Translation for "were revolutionaries" to spanish
Translation examples
Your forefathers were revolutionaries.
Sus antepasados fueron revolucionarios.
Those philosophers you read—they were revolutionaries.
Esos filósofos a los que lees… fueron revolucionarios.
My parents were revolutionaries in the golden days of communism as well as through its bloodiest years.
Mis padres fueron revolucionarios en la época dorada del comunismo y también durante sus años más sangrientos.
His plans were revolutionary – unite the financial resources of Europe, banish poverty forever.
Sus proyectos eran revolucionarios: La unidad de los recursos europeos. Desterrar la pobreza para siempre.
The ministers wrote really well... and the chiefs of staff were revolutionary.
Los ministros sabían escribir... y los jefes de gabinete eran revolucionarios.
I took notice of a young pioneering game designer, Howard Scott Warshaw, whose games were revolutionary in their day.
¡Videojuegos! Puse mi atención en un joven pionero del diseño de videojuegos, Howard Scott Warshaw, cuyos juegos eran revolucionarios por aquel entonces.
They were revolutionaries who sought to make the pope’s authority subject to the Word of God.
Eran revolucionarios que trataban de hacer que la autoridad del papa se sujetara a la Palabra de Dios.
As John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, a century later, fully understood, these claims were revolutionary.
Como entendieron perfectamente John Adams y Thomas Jefferson un siglo después, esas afirmaciones eran revolucionarias.
Those who saw how they lived there say that although the ornamentation and the entire architectural conception were revolutionary, the couple lived in a world of look-but-don’t-touch.
Quienes les observaron viviendo allí cuentan que aunque el decorado y todo el concepto arquitectónico eran revolucionarios, la pareja vivía en un mundo de mírame-y-no-me-toques.
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