Translation for "were savages" to spanish
Were savages
Translation examples
Only one generation ago, their fathers were savages in the forest.
Sólo una generación atrás, sus padres eran salvajes en la selva.
They were savages who couldn't even breathe out loud.
Eran salvajes que ni siquiera podían respirar.
They were savages; primitive men with clubs and stones.
Eran salvajes, hombres primitivos con palos y piedras.
- No. You said those things were savages.
- No, dijiste que eran salvajes.
I was taught... that they were savages... but that American soldier... his mother's words... were the same as my mother's.
Me enseñaron... Que eran salvajes... Pero ese soldado americano...
They were savages, captain.
Eran salvajes, Capitán.
They own your asses and treat you like you were savages.
Son dueños de sus traseros y te tratan como si eran salvajes .
They were savages, the only savages of the twenty-fourth century;
Eran salvajes, los únicos salvajes del siglo veinticuatro;
            "Francis, you said they were savages!"
—¡Francis, me había dicho que eran salvajes!
These people were savages, and needed guidance.
Estas personas eran salvajes y necesitaban guía.
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