Translation for "were sharing" to spanish
Translation examples
They were sharing a sushi lunch before the game. Nice picture.
Estaban compartiendo un almuerzo de Kimbap antes del juego. bonita imagen.
The holiday song from this sweet little shorty Reached up to the mayors, who were sharing a 40.
La canción navideña de esa dulce pequeña llegó hasta los alcaldes, que estaban compartiendo un trago.
So they were sharing information.
Así que estaban compartiendo información.
And I'm glad you and the captain can share... whatever it is you were sharing.
Y me alegra que el capitán y usted puedan compartir lo que estaban compartiendo.
They were sharing a house.
Estaban compartiendo una casa
Oh, well, perhaps you'd like us to assume that you were sharing information with him.
Oh, bueno, tal vez le guste nosotros asumir que estaban compartiendo información con él.
They were sharing their meals.
Estaban compartiendo sus comidas.
They were sharing a straitjacket.
Ellos estaban compartiendo a una camisa de fuerza.
She tasted of the cindin they were sharing.
Ella saboreaba la cindin que estaban compartiendo.
Maybe people were sharing them with her?
¿Acaso esa gente los estaba compartiendo con ella?
They were sharing deaths, he thought with bitter humor.
Estaba compartiendo muertes, pensó él con humor amargo.
What they had shared and were sharing tonight was entirely physical.
Lo que habían compartido y estaban compartiendo esa noche era enteramente físico;
Now we find out that they were sharing the same guy.
Ahora nos enteramos de que estaban compartiendo el mismo hombre.
They were sharing a room.
Compartían habitación.
Their pictures were shared busily.
Compartían activamente sus imágenes.
Grandma and Grandpa were sharing the big one.
Los abuelos compartían la más grande.
Lazar and Pallas were sharing a blanket.
Lazar y Pallas compartían manta.
She and Rogan, however, were sharing the load.
Sin embargo, Rogan y ella sí compartían ese menester.
Brand and Pike were sharing one of the bedrooms.
Brand y Pike compartían una de las habitaciones.
Álvaro and Hans were sharing a bottle of wine.
Álvaro y Hans compartían una botella de vino.
Pabst and Kamtchowsky were sharing a beanbag chair.
Pabst y Kamtchowsky compartían el mismo puff.
The two men were sharing a destiny.
Aquellos dos hombres compartían el mismo destino.
They were sharing one, larger than the others’, but not by double.
Compartían una, más grande que las demás, aunque no el doble.
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