Translation for "were unaware" to spanish
Translation examples
They were unaware that the Soviet forces were equipped with short-range tactical missiles, tipped with atomic warheads, ready to annihilate any invader.
No sabían que las fuerzas soviéticas estaban equipadas con misiles tácticos de corto alcance, con cabezas nucleares, listas para aniquilar a cualquier invasor.
Meaning the participants were unaware that it was a drill.
Es decir, los participantes no sabían que era un simulacro.
Officials were unaware that the pardon had been issued by the false president.
Los guardias de la prisión no sabían que no era el presidente. Ya iniciaron las investigaciones.
They were unaware of his existence.
No sabían que él existía.
Sellars gestured for quiet "As the Atascos say, they were unaware.
—Sellars pidió silencio—. Es cierto que los Atasco no sabían nada.
Her co-workers at the restaurant were unaware she was expecting a child.
Sus colegas del restaurante no sabían que estaba esperando un hijo.
one sensed that the subjects were unaware that they were being photographed.) That little coffin.
uno se daba cuenta de que ellos no sabían que se les había sacado una foto.) Ese pequeño féretro.
Peter and Norah were unaware that John Hanson had been a patient of Judd’s.
Peter y Norah no sabían que John Hanson había sido paciente de Judd.
The sailors were unaware of our presence so that without meaning to, we heard all!
Los marineros no sabían que estábamos allí, de forma que sin querer lo oímos todo.
When First Sergeant Styka shook the men of Company A out of their sleep, they were unaware of CASE WHITE.
Cuando el sargento primero Styka sacudió a los hombres de la Compañía A, sacándolos del sueño, ellos no sabían nada del CASO BLANCO.
Acquainted till then only with the landlocked seas, they were unaware that for the first time in their lives they were seeing the ebb tide.
Como hasta entonces sólo habían conocido mares interiores, no sabían que por primera vez en sus vidas asistían a la marea menguante.
They were unaware of each other’s interest.
No eran conscientes del interés del otro.
They were unaware of the threat from the right.
No eran conscientes de la amenaza de la derecha.
Even in times when they were unaware.
Incluso en momentos en que no eran conscientes de ello.
men and women were unaware of gender difference;
los hombres y las mujeres no eran conscientes de la diferencia de género;
They were unaware of me but I was somehow important, proof of their power.
No eran conscientes de mi presencia pero yo era de algún modo importante, prueba de su poder.
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