Translation for "wine and beer" to spanish
Wine and beer
Translation examples
Drink the wine, and beer.
Beber vino, y cerveza.
We're over in wine and beer.
Estamos sobre vino y cerveza.
It is like mixing wine and beer.
Es como mezclar vino y cerveza.
Especially wine and beer.
Especialmente vino y cerveza.
Only wines and beers, though.
Sólo hay vino y cerveza, creo.
How much wine and beer per person?
¿Cuánto vino y cerveza por persona?
Will they drink wine or beer?
¿Y qué ·beberán, vino o cerveza?
Will you have wine or beer?
¿Queréis vino o cerveza?
I have not been drinking wine or beer;
no he bebido ni vino ni cerveza.
We did not drink wine, but "beer."
No bebimos vino, sino «cerveza».
We drank wine and beer and talked.
Bebimos vino y cerveza y hablamos.
'We don't serve wine. Only beer.'
–Aquí no tenemos vino, sólo cerveza.
They were silently drinking wine and beer from the minibar.
Todos beben en silencio vino y cerveza del minibar.
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