Translation for "with painted" to spanish
Translation examples
The facilities had been freshly painted.
Todas las instalaciones estaban recién pintadas.
Helicopters painted in the prior mandate period
Los helicópteros se habían pintado en el período del mandato anterior
Neither aircraft displayed a Sudanese flag painted on the aircraft.
Ninguno de ellos llevaba pintada la bandera del Sudán.
Newly painted vehicles ● — —
Vehículos pintados recientemente • – –
This atrocity was recorded as the "Incident of a Painted Woman of Euijongbu".
Esa atrocidad se registró como el "Incidente de la mujer pintada de Euijongbu".
They had either worn masks or their faces had been painted.
Llevaban máscaras o iban con el rostro pintado.
But this was all painted, and even the time was painted on it.
Pero estaba pintada, hasta la hora estaba pintada.
Painted fear, painted suffering.
Miedo pintado, sufrimiento pintado.
“You painted that?”
—¿Lo has pintado tú?
What he's painted is ...
Lo que ha pintado es...
Because she painted.
—Porque lo ha pintado todo.
And painted, not sewn.
Y pintado, no cosido.
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