Translation for "wool-carders" to spanish
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Translation examples
He saw the wool-carder of the Gooses Head, and his wife, that notable woman, at the spinning-wheel.
Vio a Cabeza de Ganso, el cardador de lana, y a su mujer, tan valiente en hilar.
He tried schoolmastering and supervising wool-carders, and wrote in his journal of his distress at his success in these tasks—he was a good Latin teacher, he saw what his students did not see, he was a good supervisor, he could detect laziness and ameliorate real grievances—but he was not using his unique gifts, whatever they were, he was going nowhere, and he meant to go far.
Intentó ser maestro de escuela y supervisar a los cardadores de lana, y escribió en su diario sobre la pena que le daba el éxito obtenido en estas tareas (era un buen profesor de latín, veía lo que no veían sus estudiantes;
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