Translation for "you disturb" to spanish
Translation examples
You disturb my shit.
Me molestas y eso es molesto.
Why do you disturb me, woman?
—¿Por qué me molestas, mujer?
Why do you disturb me now?
¿Por qué me molestas ahora?
“Why do you disturb me this time, Yuan?”
—¿Por qué me molestas esta vez, Yuan?
     'Aren't you disturbed by the noise from the bar?'      'Oh no.
—¿No te molesta el ruido del bar? —Oh, no.
Were you disturbed because Jim was called Nigger Jim?
—¿Te molestó lo que decía del negro Jim?
I can't have you disturbing my other customers.
No puedo permitir que molestes a los demás clientes.
"Look, if you disturb him, he's just gonna start writing again.
—Mira, si lo molestas, volverá a ponerse a escribir.
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