Translation for "you revealed" to spanish
You revealed
Translation examples
Today you revealed medical knowledge.
Hoy revelaste conocimientos médicos.
When you sang at the Reynolds soiree, you revealed far more than just a lovely voice, Frances.
Cuando cantaste en la velada de los Reynolds, revelaste mucho más que una voz hermosa, Frances.
You revealed yourself, and only a dolt would have failed to see you for the deeply passionate woman that you are.
Te revelaste tú, y sólo un idiota no te habría visto como la mujer profundamente apasionada que eres.
"Illustrious One," he said to him one day, "my life was empty until you revealed to me the True Path.
—Ilustre —le dijo un día—, mi vida estaba vacía hasta que me revelaste el Auténtico Camino.
You revealed that quite clearly while Io was bringing our water and this really excellent wine.
Revelaste eso con toda claridad mientras Io nos traía el agua y este vino, que es realmente excelente.
‘And because Michel came looking for you, and was killed, you have convinced yourself it is all because of what you revealed to him.’
Y como Michel vino a verte y lo mataron, ahora crees que todo sucedió a causa de lo que tú le revelaste.
God, can it be worse than the purgatory you revealed to me? I don't believe it. I saw it. I felt its warmth.
Dios mío, no puede ser peor que el purgatorio que me revelaste, no lo creo. Yo la vi, sentí su calor.
You revealed your fears for the feebleness of the weapon in your fight with the minotaur, when you readily accepted the image of it breaking.”
Revelaste tus miedos por la debilidad del arma en tu combate con el minotauro cuando aceptaste de buena gana la imagen de su rotura.
Did you reveal our mission to us now so that Ender would give his attention to Val? Or did you withhold it up until now so that Ender wouldn't?
–¿Nos revelaste el objetivo de nuestra misión para que Ender prestara atención a Val? ¿O la retuviste hasta ahora para que no lo hiciera?
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