Translation for "merivartioasema" to english
Translation examples
Merivartioaseman ja majakan välinen Kärleksstigen-polku
Kärleksstigen between the coast guard station and the lighthouse
Lisäksi paikalle hälytettiin partiovene Hangon merivartioasemalta.
In addition, a patrol boat was alerted from the Hanko Coast Guard Station.
MERIVARTIJATALO Merivartijatalo rakennettiin 1950-luvulla, jolloin saareen perustettiin merivartioasema.
The Coast Guard House was built in the 1950s, when a coast guard station was established on the island.
Bodön vihreä päärakennus on valmistunut vuonna 1967 ja se toimi vuoteen 1991 merivartioasemana.
Bodö's green main building was finished in 1967 and was until 1991 a coast guard station.
Glada Laxen on entinen merivartioasema, joka on remontoitu hotelliksi ja ravintolaksi Bärön saarella Kumlingessa.
Glada Laxen (The Happy Salmon) is a coast guard station turned hotel and restaurant on the island of Bärö in Kumlinge.
Saaren eteläosassa, Söderhällorna, sijaitsee entinen merivartioasema, jonka Metsähallitus ja Korsnäsin kunta ovat kunnostaneet.
The former coast guard station is located on the southern portion of the island at Söderhällorna. Metsähallitus and Korsnäs municipality have renovated the station.
Lisää TIETOA BODÖSTÄ Kesällä 2016 avasimme Bodön entisen merivartioaseman yhteyteen kahvila-ravintolan ja vierasvenelaiturin samalla remontoiden rakennuksia ja aluetta.
More INFORMATION ABOUT BODÖ In the summer of 2016 we opened a café-restaurant and guest harbour in connection to the abandoned coast guard station.
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