Translation for "web -sovellus" to english
Web -sovellus
Translation examples
Online Web-sovellus ilman asennusta.
Online web application without any installation.
Se on web-sovellus voidaan muuntaa videon.
It is web application used to convert video.
Mobiilisovellus, Meta Trak lite ja laaja web-sovellus
Meta Trak lite and extensive web application
1 Ilmainen Web sovellus työntekijöiden napata tiloille
1 Free The web application for employees grab holdings
Rakenna web-sovelluksia nopeasti ja helposti käyttämällä alan johtava web-sovellus IDE.
Build web applications quickly and easily using the industry’s leading web application IDE.
Tehokas web-sovellus kuvien ja dokumenttien tallen
An effective web application for saving and distributing images and documents.
Mikä on web-sovellus ja mikä on pilvi?
What is a web application and what is a cloud?
Kayra on web-sovellus haavoittuvuuden skanneri ja levinneisyys testaaja.
Kayra is a web application vulnerability scanner and penetration tester.
Mahara on täysin varustellun web-sovellus rakentaa sähköisen salkun.
Mahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic portfolio.
Cleverbot on web-sovellus, joka tekoälyä hyödyntäen keskustelee ihmisten kanssa.
Cleverbot is a chatterbot web application that uses an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to have conversations with humans.
Muita hankintoja ovat olleet Web-sovellus JotSpot, josta tuli Google Sites; Voip-yritys GrandCentral, josta tuli Google Voice; ja video hosting -palvelu Next New Networks, josta tuli YouTube Next Lab and Audience Development Group.
Other acquisitions include web application company JotSpot, which became Google Sites; Voice over IP company GrandCentral, which became Google Voice; and video hosting service company Next New Networks, which became YouTube Next Lab and Audience Development Group.
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