Translation for "élargir écart" to english
Élargir écart
Translation examples
Toutefois, aussi bénéfiques soient-ils, les progrès rapides des technologies de l’information risquent d’élargir l’écart entre pays «en réseau» et pays «isolés».
However, rapid advances in information technology, however beneficial, may well produce a widening gap between “networked countries” and “isolated countries”.
Ce blocus a beaucoup nui au développement économique du groupe chypriote turc et contribué à élargir l'écart existant - du point de vue des revenus et des moyens d'existence - entre Chypriotes grecs et Chypriotes turcs.
The enclaves were for a time subjected to economic blockade which was continued until 1968 and significantly undermined the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot group and contributed to the widening gap in income and livelihood between Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots.
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