Translation for "était pur" to english
Était pur
Translation examples
Xylènes (ortho-, meta-, para-) 6/ (pur ou commercialement pur)
Xylenes(ortho-, meta-, para-) 6/ (pure or commercially pure)
C3H6 pur
Pure C3H6
Benzène 4/ (pur ou commercialement pur)
Benzene (pure or 4/ commercially pure)
CaC2 pur
Pure CaC2
C6H6 pur
Pure C6H6
technique, pur
technical pure
liquide, pur
liquid, pure
CH3OH pur
Pure CH3OH
L'argent était pur.
The silver was pure.
Entre nous, c'était pur et innocent.
What we had was pure and innoct.
Mais son coeur était pur.
But he was pure of heart.
C'était pur Où est-elle passée ?
It was pure Is it on the floor?
Le cœur de Felicity était pur.
Felicity's heart was pure.
Il était pur de corps et d'esprit
He was pure in body and in spirit. Ahhh !
Le purgatoire était pur.
Purgatory was pure.
Le concept était pur, simple, vrai.
The concept was pure, simple, true.
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