Translation for "a offert" to english
Translation examples
Mon gouvernement a offert de fournir un administrateur pour Mostar.
My Government has offered to provide an administrator for Mostar.
La mondialisation a offert des possibilités de croissance économique accrue.
5. Globalization has offered opportunities for enhanced economic growth.
Le Gouvernement kazakh a offert d'accueillir la réunion.
The Government of Kazakhstan has offered to host the meeting.
Le Gouvernement indien a offert de remplacer la composante canadienne.
The Government of India has offered to replace the departing Canadian component.
Le Groupe a offert son assistance dans l'accomplissement de cet objectif important.
The Panel has offered its assistance in completing this important task.
La Norvège a offert de prendre en charge financièrement le personnel de cet état-major.
Norway has offered to provide funding for personnel for this headquarters.
L'Union européenne a offert son assistance pour parvenir à cet objectif.
The European Union has offered its assistance for achieving that objective.
Le Gouvernement des États-Unis d’Amérique a offert une aide à cet égard.
The Government of the United States of America has offered assistance in this connection.
La République démocratique du Congo a offert de l'accueillir.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has offered to host theis meeting. .
Un État Membre a offert de fournir un appui aérien et logistique, du matériel et un financement pour la Force multinationale pour la Somalie, et un deuxième a offert un financement.
One Member State has offered to provide airlift services, logistical support, equipment and funding for a multinational force, while a second has offered to contribute funding.
L'Europe a offert la solidarité
Europe has offered solidarity
Rheda a offert de l'épouser.
Rheda has offered to marry him.
! Diva m'a offert un emploi.
Diva has offered me a job.
Marwah vous a offert 3.3 milliards.
Marwah has offered you 3.3 billion.
Quelqu'un m'a offert beaucoup...
I've met someone who has offered me much more...
L'Angleterre a offert son aide.
England has offered that help.
- Il lui a offert l'asile.
- He has offered sanctuary.
Le maire Barry a offert...
Mayor Barry has offered...
Gates m'a offert l'immunité.
Gates has offered me immunity.
Qui t'a offert quoi?
-Who has offered you...?
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