Translation for "ad hoc" to english
Ad hoc
Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Juges ad hoc
Ad hoc judges
études ad hoc.
- ad hoc studies.
Membres ad hoc
Ad hoc members
* Membre ad hoc.
* Ad hoc member.
Ad hoc, ad loc et quid pro quo.
Ad hoc, ad loc and quid pro quo.
Nous pourrions inventer un rôle ad-hoc pour elle.
We could invent a sort of ad hoc role for her.
- Ouais, ad hoc.
This is temporary, right? - Yeah, ad hoc.
Ce tribunal ad hoc de l'Académie nationale tient séance.
This ad hoc tribunal of the National Academy is now in session.
Et ad hoc.
And ad hoc.
- Un réseau ad hoc ? - Oui.
- Some kind of an ad-hoc network?
L'enquête réclamait des mesures ad hoc.
The investigation necessitated ad hoc arrangements.
petites réunions ad hoc.
I've noticed your little... group having these ad hoc meetings.
Ad hoc fiat "Et qui pourrait se produire."
Ad hoc fiat. 'Oh, that this might happen.'
On utilise un système ad hoc.
We operate a fairly ad hoc system.
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