Translation for "allé se" to english
Allé se
Translation examples
Ce jour-là, nous sommes allés à Telbisa.
We went into Telbisa on that day.
Ils y sont allés.
They went.
Il s'est rhabillé et est allé faire une promenade.
He dressed up and went for a walk.
Posada Carriles est allé en prison.
Posada Carriles went to prison.
Je suis allé leur parler.
I went up to talk to them.
Au Kenya, il est allé à Lamu et à Mombassa.
In Kenya the Panel went to Lamu and Mombasa.
Q — Qui est allé avec toi à Kassala?
Question: Who went with you to Kassala?
Niamat Ahmer est allé aux toilettes.
Niamat Ahmer went to use the nearby toilet.
L'essentiel de ces sommes est allé à la Serbie-et-Monténégro.
The bulk of assistance went to Serbia and Montenegro.
Il est allé se coucher.
He went to bed.
Il est allé se baigner.
He went to bathe.
Jack est allé se coucher.
Jack went to sleep.
- On est allés se coucher.
We went to sleep.
Fritz est allé se coucher.
Fritz went to bed.
Ils sont allés se coucher.
Um, they went to bed.
Manabu est allé se renseigner.
Manabu went to look around.
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