Translation for "boulimie nerveuse" to english
Boulimie nerveuse
Translation examples
Environ 30 % des femmes souffrant d''anorexie nerveuse se font soigner, contre seulement 6 % de celles souffrant de boulimie nerveuse.
Research indicates that about 30 per cent of women with anorexia nervosa undergo treatment, compared with only about 6 per cent of those with bulimia nervosa.
220. En Norvège, on estime que 25 000 à 35 000 jeunes de 15 à 25 ans souffrent d'anorexie nerveuse et/ou de boulimie nerveuse.
220. In Norway it is estimated that between 25,000 and 35,000 young people between the ages of 15 and 25 suffer from anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia nervosa.
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