Translation for "c'est regrettable" to english
C'est regrettable
Translation examples
it's unfortunate
C'est regrettable, peut être, mais ce n'en est pas moins une réalité.
It's unfortunate, perhaps, but no less a reality.
C'est regrettable la façon dont tu t'es laissé aller, Beck.
It's unfortunate the way you've let yourself go, Beck.
C'est regrettable, mais Kumatetsu ne peut pas en prendre la responsabilité !
It's unfortunate, but Kumatetsu can't take responsibility!
Il est regrettable que nous fassions connaissance dans ces circonstances.
It's Unfortunate That We Meet Under These Circumstances.
C'est regrettable mais il a raison.
It's unfortunate, but he is correct.
C'est regrettable de ne plus pratiquer le triangle.
It's unfortunate when you let yourself get out of practice on the triangle.
Il est regrettable que tu aies assisté à ça, petit.
It's unfortunate that you had to see this boy.
Ceci est fort regrettable.
This is highly regrettable.
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