Translation for "contributions est" to english
Contributions est
Translation examples
Pourcentage des contributions ordinaires sur le total des contributions
Percentage of total contributions that are regular contributions
Contributions non préaffectées - état des contributions
Unearmarked contributions -- Status of contributions
3. Contributions monétaires et contributions en nature
3. Monetary contributions and contributions in kind
Contributions en nature et contributions statutaires à recevoir
Contributions in kind and assessed contributions receivable
Ma contribution n'est qu'une simple marque de gratitude pour notre collaboration à travers les âges.
My contribution is but a small token of gratitude for our collaboration throughout the ages.
Sa contribution est impressionnante, à différents niveaux.
His contribution is really quite enormous, on many levels.
Car cette contribution est immense.
Because the contribution is immense.
Ma contribution est, zone de turbulence...ici.
My contribution is the, uh, messy area... there.
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