Translation for "de sa propre volonté" to english
De sa propre volonté
  • of his own volition
  • his own will
Translation examples
of his own volition
Inutile, je crois... que notre réticent humain pourrait bientôt revenir de sa propre volonté.
Unnecessary. I believe... that our reluctant human may soon return... of his own volition.
Talyn a dit à Moya qu'il avait choisi Crais de sa propre volonté.
Talyn told Moya he was choosing Crais of his own volition.
Daniel a démissionné de sa propre volonté.
Daniel stepped down of his own volition.
Peut-être le lui avez-vous proposé, peut-être l'a-t-il fait de sa propre volonté.
Maybe you put him up to it, maybe he did it of his own volition.
his own will
En revanche, le mari ne peut demander le divorce de sa propre volonté et sans raison.
However, the husband can not divorce the wife on his own will and without any reason.
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