Translation for "du commerce" to english
Du commerce
Translation examples
Facilitation du commerce, notamment du commerce
International trade and trade facilitation
C. Commerce international et facilitation du commerce
C. International trade and trade facilitation
Mobiliser le commerce international, la facilitation du commerce et l'aide pour le commerce
Harnessing international trade, trade facilitation and aid for trade
Un bon exemple du commerce au-delà de la tradition.
A shining example of trade over tradition.
Je suis marchand. Je fais du commerce.
I am a man of trade.
Il n'y a aucune ingérence délictuelle du commerce ici.
There has been no tortious interference of trade here.
Il travaille à la Bourse du Commerce de Chicago.
He works the floor at the Chicago Board of Trade.
Nous sommes au centre du commerce dans l'Ouest.
We are in the center of trade in the West.
Ministre du Commerce, en Manchukuo.
I was the Minister of Trade... in Manchukuo
En fait c'était le ministère du commerce.
Actually it was the Department of Trade.
On a la Bourse du commerce.
We got the board of trade.
Le ministre du Commerce tué dans un attentat.
Assassination attempt on the Minister of Trade. The Minister dies from his wounds.
Au ministère du commerce karemma.
At the Ministry of Trade on Karemma.
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