Translation for "est insoutenable" to english
Est insoutenable
Translation examples
Le siège de Gaza est inadmissible et insoutenable.
The siege of Gaza was unconscionable and unsustainable.
Le poids de notre endettement deviendra insoutenable.
Our debt burden will become unsustainable.
Cet argument aliénant est insoutenable pour les pauvres du monde.
That alienating argument is unsustainable for the peoples of the world.
La situation obère les budgets nationaux de manière insoutenable.
The burden on national budgets was unsustainable.
Ce type de développement est insoutenable.
This is unsustainable development.
Cette situation continue d'atteindre des niveaux scandaleux et insoutenables.
This continues to rise to unsustainable and shocking levels.
Cette position est insoutenable.
That view was unsustainable.
Cette situation est à la fois insoutenable et extrêmement instable.
It is a situation that is both unsustainable and extremely volatile.
La situation actuelle est insoutenable.
The current situation was unsustainable.
La situation est insoutenable et explosive.
The situation is unsustainable and volatile.
Cette comédie est insoutenable.
This comedy is unsustainable.
Mais... sur le long terme, sortir avec deux garçons est insoutenable.
But... in the long run, dating two guys is unsustainable.
Par ce que l'ordre actuel, de mon point de vue,est insoutenable.
The present order, to my mind, is unsustainable.
- pour me forcer à sortir est insoutenable.
- to force me out is unsustainable.
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