Translation for "grand n" to english
Grand n
  • big n
  • no big
Translation examples
big n
Encore cette chaise et un grand N, et un gros rond...
That chair thingy again and big N, and fat face...
Une seule balle tiré d'un fusil d'asault du SWAT à 183 mètres va percer le grand "N"
A single shot fired from a SWAT Specs Op rifle at 200 yards will puncture the big "N"
Grand "D", petit "I", grand "N", petit "ozzo".
Big "D," little "I," big "N," little "ozzo."
Un grand "N", comme "nigaud".
Big "N," as in "nimrod""
no big
Moyenne ou grande
Average or big
C'est un grand pas en avant.
That was a big step forward.
Autres <<grands problèmes>>
Other "Big Issues"
Ce sera alors la grande victoire.
That shall be the big victory.
Grande Table
Big Table
Cela fait une grande différence.
This creates a big gap.
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