Translation for "huit et un" to english
Huit et un
Translation examples
Et cinq, et six et sept, et huit, et un et deux...
And five and six and seven and eight and one and two--
Sept, huit et un, deux, trois, quatre...
Seven, eight, and one, two, three, four.
Sept et huit et un, deux, trois.
Seven and eight and one, two, three. Nice.
Six, tendus, sept, huit et un, et porté.
Six, reach, seven, eight and one, and lift.
eight and
Groupe des Huit
Group of Eight
L'ALK se compose de huit sections régionales, installées dans les huit aires coutumières.
The Academy is comprised of eight regional sections in the eight traditional areas.
On a de plus publié huit ouvrages dans huit langues autochtones.
Eight books in eight indigenous languages were published.
Huitième session
Eight Session
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