Translation for "inclusion de" to english
Translation examples
On reconnaît de plus en plus que l'inclusion sociale est un élément essentiel de l'inclusion générale.
8. It is increasingly recognized that economic inclusion is key to achieving overall inclusion.
Inclusion International s'efforcera de promouvoir l'objectif de l'inclusion totale en plaidant en faveur :
Inclusion International will work to promote the goal of full inclusion by advocating for:
"Naturellement, en étendant le calcul de S au groupe unitaire infini c'est évident pour tout le monde que mon génie requiert - après ma mort - l'inclusion de mon cerveau au Smithsonian.
"Certainly in extending the calculation for S to the infinite unitary group it would be obvious to anyone that my genius would mandate-- upon my death--the inclusion of my brain in the smithsonian."
La démocratie exige l'inclusion de tous.
Democracy requires the inclusion of all.
L'inclusion de ce contenu personnel appelle à questionner la responsabilité de Mr McClaren à disséminer de la matière sensible et contredit directement son principe de dénonciateurs non-identifiés qui contribue à son site.
The inclusion of this personal content calls into question Mr. McClaren's ability to disseminate sensitive material and directly contradicts his principle of not identifying whistleblowers who contribute to his site.
Il a aussi demandé l'inclusion de 168 votes de Miami-Dade, de 215 votes de Palm Beach et de 51 votes de Nassau, tous comptés pendant la phase de protestation, mais non inclus dans la certification finale.
He also requested the inclusion of 168 votes from Miami-Dade, 215 votes from Palm Beach and 51 votes from Nassau all counted during the protest phase, but not included in the final certification.
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