Translation for "l'entendit" to english
Translation examples
Immédiatement après, H. P. entendit un coup de feu et vit C. M. tomber du lit; elle se cacha alors sous le lit.
Immediately thereafter H. P. heard a gunshot and saw C. M. falling from the bed; she then hid under the bed.
Personne ne l'entendit.
Nobody heard them.
Il entendit un début ..
He heard with a start
Dieu entendit son repentir.
God heard him when he cried.
"Miam, miam!", entendit-elle.
"Yum, yum!", she heard.
Charlotte s'entendit mentir.
Charlotte heard herself lie.
Personne n'entendit parler du duel.
Nobody heard of the duel.
Et lorsqu'elle entendit..."
And when she heard...
Alors il entendit vrombir
Then he heard the hum
Il entendit un cri.
He heard a scream.
- C'est là qu'il entendit
- And that's when he heard what
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